MASKA is an organization that consists of experts and professionals who have attention and knowledge in the field of railways. With their diverse expertise, they position themselves as part of community participation in supporting the progress of national railways.
FIRST established on March 11, 1993, MASKA, which was originally called the Community of Train Lovers, was initiated amid community concerns at that time about the many train accidents in Indonesia. Birth of Law No. 13 of 1992 concerning Railways on September 17, 1992 became the initial milestone of a group of journalists at the Ministry of Transportation to form a forum to function as a mediator between service user communities, train operators and the government. The aim is none other than to socialize the new Railway Law while at the same time introducing the status of the railroad operator which at that time had changed from PJKA to PERUMKA.
Entering the 23rd anniversary of the National Conference III at the Millennium Hotel Jakarta on November 23, 2016, MASKA transformed into a new face. Under the leadership of Ir. Hermanto Dwiatmoko MSTr, IPU, who is the Chairperson of the 2016-2021 MASKA period, the name of the Railway Lovers Society officially changed to the Indonesian Railways Society. With the change in name, MASKA is expected to be a dynamic organization and play an active role in the efforts of advancing Indonesian railways.
Until now, MASKA continues to take part in contributing ideas and thoughts in the midst of the rapid development of domestic railroad infrastructure. MASKA is very concerned about government programs related to the acceleration and equitable development of railroad infrastructure and facilities in the country. Support for operators is also given in their efforts to improve safety and service so that trains will actually become safe and comfortable mass transportation.
A Day Seminar of "Indonesian Railways of the Current & Welcoming the 21st Century"
Hotel Papandayan Bandung, January
Opening: Minister of Transportation RI
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - PERUMKA
The seminar was opened by Minister of Transportation Haryanto Dhanutirto. Maska organized this event in cooperation with PERUMKA.
Meeting of Customers as users of railway services through the socialization of Law no. 13/1992
Hotel Papandayan Bandung, March
Opening: Director General of Land Transportation MOH RI
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - PERUMKA
To awaken the public about the importance of Railway Act No. 13 of 1992, Maska in cooperation with Railway Public Company (PERUMKA) held a discussion with rail service users.
Panel Discussion "Railway Trips and Safety of Rail Walkers"
Hotel Golden Jakarta, November 18th
Opening: Minister of Transportation RI
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - PERUMKA
Discussions on the security of rail travel are confronted with the fact that there are still many railway tracks and many wild tracks made by residents around the track.
Panel Discussion "Railway and Traffic Discipline & Crossing Railway and Railway Train Door"
January 17th
Opening: Minister of Transportation RI
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - PERUMKA
The low awareness of traffic, especially around the railway crossing, causes frequent accidents between motorists and the passing train. The situation of concern at that time prompted Maska to cooperate with PERUMKA to hold Panel Discussions according to the above title in the hope of helping to reduce the accident figure at the railway crossing.
Panel Discussion "Development of Urban Railway Transport and Service Improvement Efforts"
BAPPENAS Building, Jakarta, September 30th
Opening: Minister of Transportation RI
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - Perumka - MTI
The seminar was opened by Minister of Transportation Giri Suseno Hadihardjono discussed the condition of Jabotabek KRL at the beginning of Reformation and the prospect of the future of railways and light rail as the backbone of railway mass transportation in big cities of Indonesia. The event was held in cooperation of MASKA, PERUMKA (Perusahaan Umum Kereta Api, and Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia (MTI).

Panel Discussion "With Urban Public Transport Financing, We Improve Development and Transportation Services"
Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta, April 29th
Opening: Minister of Transportation RI
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - Perumka - MTI
Still associated with previous events, MASKA in collaboration with PERUMKA and MTI held a Panel Discussion on the importance of mass transportation subsidies, especially in rural areas in big cities in Indonesia to reduce the burden of increasingly jammed roads. The event was opened by Minister of Transportation Giri Suseno Hadihardjono and was attended by the regional transportation agency including experts and transportation observers.

Seminar and 2nd National Conference of MASKA "Concerns Determined to Safeguard Railway Travel"
Department of Transportation RI, Jakarta, September 21th
Opening: Secretary General of the Ministry of Transportation RI
Seminar on public awareness of railroad condition that still concerns after New Order. In addition to the event, BPP MASKA also held the Second National Congress to elect the chairman. Moch. S. Hendrowijono was again entrusted to lead MASKA for the second period.

BPLP PT. KA, Jl. Laswi Bandung Journalist Orientation "Operator Readiness in Lebaran 1422 H Transportation Implementation, Christmas and New Year 2002"
November 14th
Opening: Director General Phb. Land
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - PT Kereta Api (Persero)
Seminar on public awareness of railroad condition that still concerns after New Order. In addition to the event, BPP MASKA also held the Second National Congress to elect the chairman. Moch. S. Hendrowijono was again entrusted to lead MASKA for the second period.
MASKA in cooperation with PT. KA (Persero) conducts orientation education and railway insight for the press ahead of Lebaran 1422 Hijriah, Christmas 2001 and New Year 2002.
National Seminar "Trans-Sulawesi Railway Development"
Manado, July 15th
Organizer :
Ministry of Transportation
North Sulawesi Provincial Government
Kereta Api Indonesia
Railway Industry
Community Train Lovers
The Transportation Policy in railway transportation development in Sulawesi has been in line with the national development program based on the 1999-2004 GBHN and Propenas. In line with the development of national industry and the demands of regional autonomy, a reliable and efficient national transportation system must also be prepared to meet the demand for free trade. The development of railways in Sulawesi is also a part of development in Eastern Indonesia (KTI).
Taking the theme of "Urgency of Sulawesi Railway Development in the Framework of Acceleration of Regional Economic Development," the seminar was held to strengthen the railway development plan in Sulawesi in accordance with the National Spatial Plan and the Provincial Spatial Plan with all its aspects.

Hotel Papandayan, Bandung A Day Seminar of "Indonesian Railways of the Current & Welcoming the 21st Century"
Banjarmasin, 26 June
Organizer :
Ministry of Transportation of Republic Indonesia & Governor of South Kalimantan In cooperation with PT. Kereta Api Indonesia, PT. Railway Industry, Railway Lovers Community
Treatise :
In order to develop railway transportation infrastructure in Kalimantan, the Ministry of Transportation has developed Master Plan for Railway Transportation Development in Kalimantan. The plan contains development scenarios, major corridors and supporting pathways that must be implemented with an approach consistent with island characteristics.
The seminar was held to strengthen the development plan of rail road transportation in Kalimantan in the hope that the realization of multimodal transportation services and integrated in a safe, efficient, reliable, quality, and bring benefits to investors.
Performance Evaluation 3 (three) Months of PT KA Directors in form of cross-references with YLKI and MTI resulting in a joint statement.
Hotel Millennium, Jakarta, Mei 13th
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - MTI - YLKI
National Seminar on "Rail Borneo Railway Development"
Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, June 26th
Organizer: Ministry of Transportation & Governor of South Kalimantan In cooperation with PT. Kereta Api Indonesia, PT. Railway Industry, Railway Lovers Community
In order to develop railway transportation infrastructure in Kalimantan, the Ministry of Transportation has developed Master Plan for Railway Transportation Development in Kalimantan. The plan contains development scenarios, major corridors and supporting pathways that must be implemented with an approach consistent with island characteristics. The seminar was held to strengthen the development plan of rail road transportation in Kalimantan in the hope that the realization of multimodal transportation services and integrated in a safe, efficient, reliable, quality, and bring benefits to investors.
National Seminar on "Development of Sulawesi Railways (Trans Celebes Railway)"
Manado, North Sulawesi, July 15th
Organizer: - Ministry of Transportation - North Sulawesi Provincial Government - PT. Kereta Api Indonesia - PT. Railway Industry - Community Train Lovers
21-22 October 2002 KM Ciremai ship Semarang's purpose Sarasehan Journalist of Transportation "Lebaran Preparedness 1423 H, Christmas 2002 and New Year 2003" Opening: Minister of Transportation Cooperation: BPP MASKA - Humas Dephub - Public Relations PTKA - PR Pelni - Humas ASDP - PR Damri
The Transportation Policy in railway transportation development in Sulawesi has been in line with the national development program based on the 1999-2004 GBHN and Propenas. In line with the development of national industry and the demands of regional autonomy, a reliable and efficient national transportation system must also be prepared to meet the demand for free trade. The development of railways in Sulawesi is also a part of development in Eastern Indonesia (KTI). Taking the theme of "Urgency of Sulawesi Railway Development in the Framework of Acceleration of Regional Economic Development," the seminar was held to strengthen the railway development plan in Sulawesi in accordance with the National Spatial Plan and the Provincial Spatial Plan with all its aspects.
Ship KM Ciremai Semarang's purpose Sarasehan Journalist of Transportation "Lebaran Preparedness 1423 H, Christmas 2002 and New Year 2003"
Oktober 21-22th
Opening : Minister of Transportation RI
Cooperation : BPP MASKA - Public Relations Department of Public Relations - Public Relations PTKA - Public Relations Pelni -Humas ASDP - Humas Damri
National Seminar on "Community Participation in Supporting Railway Operation Safety"
Yogyakarta, January 27th
Organizational Cooperation :
Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation
BPP Masyarakat Pecinta Kereta Api
UII Yogyakarta
DIY Dishub
KA (Persero) Daop 6 Yogyakarta
Trains in various developed countries have proved that this type of transport must be sterile from any obstacles from the surrounding environment. To achieve the safety and railway safety system in Indonesia to the optimum point, it is still a serious obstacle that must be addressed by the apparatus, regulator, operator, consumer, and environment.
The seminar was organized to socialize the various rules on the implementation of the railway which is the joint duty and responsibility between train users, the environment, and community participation.

National Seminar on "Rail Trans Sumatra-Java Railway Development"
Jambi, March 22th
Organizational Cooperation :
- Ministry of Transportation
- Provincial Government of Jambi
- PT. Railway (Persero)
Treatise :
Population growth and economic activities of the island of Sumatra are getting higher. The latest data shows 46 percent of Indonesia's export products come from the island of Sumatra. On the other hand, the island is strategic because it is located directly opposite Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Highway transport in Sumatra is widely recognized to encounter problems that require serious attention. The railway as one of the land transportation modes in developed countries has become a mainstay that is mass, barrier free, long distance, cheap and more secure. While the mode of rail transport in Sumatra has not been built and developed optimally.
This national seminar was held to solidify the idea of unification of railway transportation network and the construction of the Sunda Strait bridge between Sumatra and Java. It is expected that through this seminar can get strategic and planned policy recommendation about development and development of highway and integrated rail road with other transportation modes.
Informal Dialogue with Railway Workers Union (SPKA)
Hotel Intercontinental Jakarta, July 3th
Opening: Chairman of BPP MASKA
Cooperation: BPP MASKA
National Seminar Private Business Opportunities in Development and Operation of Railways in Indonesia
UNIKA Semarang, August 9-10th
Opening: Director General of Railway Ministry of Transportation
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - Dishub Semarang - UNIKA Semarang
National Seminar of "Improving the Role of Railways in Southern Sumatra"
Palembang, April 12th
Organizer :
Ministry of Transportation
South Sumatera Provincial Government
In collaboration with :
KA (Persero)
INKA (Persero)
Bukit Asam
The area of South Sumatera covers South Sumatera, Lampung, Bengkuku which has more than Java is a potential mining, agriculture and plantation area. The railway has become one of the mainstays, although its utilization is still not able to balance the needs of the transportation of goods today. While the future is still bleak. It needs the participation of all stakeholders, including private investors, SOEs, BUMDs in a comprehensive, integrated, professionally and proportionally.
Observing the condition MASKA in cooperation with the Directorate General of Railways Ministry of Transportation, etc. took the initiative of holding a national seminar

MASKA Press Conference MASKA Evaluation of Indonesian Railways
Hotel Millenium Jakarta, January 29th
MASKA Press Conference
Socialization of the Railway Law: Taken to Where National Railways
Hotel Millenium Jakarta, April 23th
Cooperation: BPP Maska - Working Group of Transportation Journalists
National Dialogue Completion of Railway Issues in the Field Crossing
Hotel Millenium Jakarta, 26 February
Opening: Director of Operations PT Kereta Api (Persero)
Cooperation: BPP MASKA - PT Kereta Api (Persero)
Transparent Dialogue 1 The Problems and Expectations of Rising Indonesian Railways
Hotel Santika Bandung, 14 August
Opening: Director General of Land Transportation
Cooperation: BPP MASKA
Seminar Nasional “Peningkatan Peran Perkeretaapian di Sumatera Bagian Selatan
Hotel Horison Palembang, April 12th
- Ministry of Transportation
- South Sumatera Provincial Government
In collaboration with:
- PT. KA (Persero)
- PT. INKA (Persero)
- PT. Bukit Asam
The area of South Sumatra includes South Sumatra Province, Lampung, Bengkulu which has an area exceeding the island of Java is an area
potential mining, agricultural and plantation producers. The railway has become one of the mainstays, however
its utilization is still not able to balance the needs of today's freight transport. While the future is still bleak. Need
the participation of all stakeholders, including private investors, SOEs, BUMD in a comprehensive, integrated and professional
Observing these conditions MASKA in cooperation with the Directorate General of Railways Ministry of Transportation, etc. took the initiative to hold
National Seminar
Railway series

Amendment of Law no. 13 of 1992 on Railways
Office of PT Kereta Api (Persero) Jabodetabek Division Jakarta, January 23th
Opening `: Chairman of BPP MASKA
Cooperation: BPP Maska - Working Group of Transportation Journalists