Indonesian Railway Professional Certification Institute
Professional. Competent. Trusted.
Indonesian Railway Professional Certification Institute
First founded on March 11 1993, MASKA, which was originally called the Society of Railway Lovers at that time, was initiated amidst public concern about the many train accidents in Indonesia. Entering its 23rd year, on November 23 2016 MASKA transformed into the Indonesian Railway Society (MASKA), and is expected to become a more dynamic organization and play an increasingly active role in the development of Indonesian railways. Compared to the previous period, since 2016 the background scope of MASKA members has not only come from transportation journalists and railway enthusiasts, but has increasingly consisted of experts and professionals working in the national railway sector. With the diverse expertise possessed by its members, MASKA positions itself as part of community participation in supporting the acceleration and equitable development of railway facilities and infrastructure in the country.
Apart from contributing ideas and thoughts amidst the rapid development of national railway infrastructure, MASKA is very concerned with the safety factors of railway infrastructure in order to realize safe and comfortable rail-based transportation. One of them is increasing the competency of experts in the field of railway construction by establishing the Indonesian Railway Certification Institute (LSPPI) which was officially established by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) through BNSP Chairman Decree No. KEP.2542/BNSP/XII/2023 on 1 December 2023.
The Work Competency Certificate (SKK) scheme issued by LSPPI is as follows:
1. Fill out the Application Form (Form PS. F.1), which can be downloaded HERE
2. Fill in the Work Experience Certificate (Form PS. F.2), which can be downloaded HERE
a. Level 7-9 or Level 1-6 Special Project Experience
b. Specifically for Levels 1-6 If you don't have Project Experience, you can use Work Experience
3. Fill in the Work Experience Certificate (Form PS. F.3), which can be downloaded HERE
Note: Specific Work Experience Levels 1-6
4. Fill in the Data Truth Statement (Form PS. F.4), which can be downloaded HERE
5. Attach your National Identity Card (KTP)
6. Attach a Membership Identification Card (KTA) according to the Professional Association (KTA MASKA/ e-money Mandiri) submitted on the PU Licensing Portal
Note: KTA MASKA and KTP are made into 1 file/electronic file in pdf form
7. Attach NPWP
Note: For Level 7/8/9
8. Attach your latest diploma, including a Bachelor's degree for those with a Master's or Master's degree
9. Attach a Certificate from the Educational Institution
Note: Only diplomas from 2003 and after 2003 which are not registered with Dikti
10. Attach a Non-Formal Proficiency Certificate (if any)
11. Attach a recent 3 x 4 passport photo
Note: Wearing a shirt/not wearing a t-shirt, plain red background
12. Attach Work Competency Certificate – PUPR/ LPJK/ BNSP
Note: Extension only
13. Fill in and upload all required files including downloading FORM PS.F.1, FORM PS.F.2, FORM PS.F.3 which have been filled in HERE
LSPPI email address: lsppi@maska.or.id
Telephone/WA/Telegram number: 0881-0128-89097