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Majalah Maska Edisi 6/2018 (Temporary OUT OF STOCK)
Regards, MASKA.
In August 2018, South Sumatra's light rail or Light Rail transit (LRT) has begun operations. The community has tried and felt the LRT train which is a domestic production. The first LRT operating in Indonesia is also a new transportation that supports the Asian Games sports event in Palembang. Likewise, the Jakarta LRT is also preparing for this year's operation. In addition, the Jakarta MRT project is almost finished for its construction work, even the MRT trains brought in from Japan have begun dynamic tests even though they have not brought passengers. However, all stages are still on progress with the final target of March 2019 to be commercially operational.
Of course, with the operation of the South Sumatra LRT, Jakarta LRT, Jakarta MRT and later Jabodebek LRT, the employment opportunities for Railway HR are wide open. Many job positions must be fulfilled, both for positions of operations, maintenance, administration and so on.
The construction of the Jabodebek LRT railroad infrastructure is still ongoing and is targeted for mid-2019. In some crossings the railroad installation has begun, making longspan at 9 points and building stations. As a continuation of the discussion about the Jabodebek LRT, this edition we continue to discuss Longspan.
The smoothness of the development process certainly cannot be separated from the aspects of the application of SMK3 (occupational safety and health management system) from the beginning of planning to the implementation of the work. And we present other topics that will add insight and knowledge to the readers of MASKA Magazine.
In this edition, we present the success of the largest international scale railway exhibition in ASEAN, namely Railwaytech Indonesia and Indonesia Railway Conference 2018 at JIExpo Kemayoran, a collaboration between GEM Indonesia and MASKA (Indonesian Railways Society), which will be held again in March 2019. In order to educate regarding railways, MASKA held a MASKA Goes To Campus event and MoU with the railroad industry and universities.
Bravo Indonesian Railways!
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