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Majalah Maska Edisi 7/ 2019
Regards, MASKA.
2019 is a special moment. Not because it coincides with the five-year term, namely the General Election for the election of the President & Vice-President and Legislative Election; but because there will be a new Railway Operator, especially in Jakarta. PT Jakarta Propertindo as a business entity providing LRT and PT LRT Jakarta infrastructure as a business entity
LRT facility operators will immediately operate the first LRT with elevated lines in Jakarta with 1 phase 1 corridor Kelapa Gading-Velodrome along ± 5.8 km.
Then PT MRT Jakarta will also operate the 1 phase 1 MRT corridor Lebak Bulus-Bundaran HI along ± 16 km with elevated and underground lines. This MRT will also be the first time in Indonesia and in Jakarta. Even though it can operate later, but still awaiting the continuation of the next phase of development. It is not significant to overcome congestion if the two rail-based transportation modes are only in phase 1. As with the KRL line network operated by PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia, the LRT and MRT network must also be developed and also followed by the integration policy between
Not only physical integration in the form of inter-mode connecting bridges or adjacent locations, more than also must be followed intermodal ticket integration. Convenient and safe modes of feeder public transportation with an adequate amount must also be synergized with rail-based transportation modes so that people will switch from private vehicle use. Socialization to the community to ride mass transportation must also be massive.
On March 20-22 2019, GEM Indonesia in collaboration with MASKA (Indonesian Railways Society) will hold the biggest annual international event in ASEAN, the 2019 Railway Tech Indonesia Exhibition and the Indonesia Railway Conference 2019 at JIExpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. Participants who attend exhibitions and conferences from within and outside the country from companies in the railroad industry, research institutions, universities and partners
related to the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Industry.
Two times the Railroad Exhibition event was a success, as a signal of foreign interest and the support of the railway industry and all stakeholders for the rise and progress of railways in Indonesia.
Bravo Indonesian Railways!
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